Gaming can be a really fun past-time for those who enjoy spending their time in the world of virtual reality. However, if you notice that your family member is spending a great deal of time online, how can you be sure they’re safe as to the content they’re being exposed to and the external threats that may arise? For the most part, you can control their safety if you’re aware of what to do to protect them. Whether you’re a concerned parent or … [Read more...]
How to hitchhike safely around Europe
Hitchhiking is a great way to travel around Europe, especially around Western Europe, because there are so many places you can get to by car. You could probably visit three different countries with only a day’s worth of driving. But, as great as hitchhiking can be, there are certain precautions that you should take to stay safe. The first of these is, of course, having travel insurance. An EHIC card can get you basic health insurance throughout … [Read more...]
Precautions to take before setting off on your travels
Travelling is one of the most life-changing experiences you can undertake. Whether you’re just jetting off to a fascinating location for a week or if you’re planning on living out of your backpack for a year somewhere, you’re bound to create unforgettable memories that you can cherish for years to come. Of course, it’s easy to get overexcited and rush your preparations when you have a big trip coming up, but you still need to take the regular … [Read more...]
Street Angel
Sighing with tired relief, we plopped our suitcases into the dusty, grey earth – we had arrived! The journey to Florence took far longer than we had anticipated and weariness dragged through our bodies like a ball and chain around an ankle. Our train started to pull off, rattling and screeching away from the station as we soaked in the new surroundings in the cool night air. I squinted at some small colourful objects in the distance and … [Read more...]
Best Ever Travel Tips
Best Ever Travel Tips by Tom Hall This small 100 page pocket book offers up the best travel tips, secrets and advice from travel experts. Its small enough that it will easily fit in a pocket. The hole in the upper part of the book allows one to hang this from outside of your luggage adding an additional cool factor to any backpack. Topics range from packing, money, health, safety, airports, hotels and more. In addition discover the best … [Read more...]
Adventure Travel in the Third World
Adventure Travel in the Third World by Jeff Randall and Mike Perrin If the first sentence in the book, "I want to go where tourists don't go" sounds appealing, then this is a book you must read! Everything you need to know to survive in remote & hostile destinations. This book covers how to minimize risks and stay healthy in dangerous situations abroad. It includes information about how to select guides, how to bribe and smuggle as last … [Read more...]
Death Valley, CA – More Info
In addition to collecting information first hand from numerous trips to Death Valley, a big thanks goes out to the Death Valley National Park guide books, the guides at Scotty's Castle and park rangers for helping supply information for this article. Flash Flood, Panamint Valley - waters flowing down to the very seasonal Lake Levart Mojave Brown, always be careful hiking or biking near rocks in cooler weather in Death … [Read more...]