Numerous farmer's markets are located throughout Sonoma County. Unlike in the southern part of the state where year round farmer's markets are the norm, seasonal farmers markets far outnumber the year round ones up here. Seasonal smaller markets tends to have live music while the year round (often larger markets) do not always use music to liven up your shopping experiences. We have visited all of the farmers' markets in Santa Rosa and Sonoma … [Read more...]
Santa Rosa, CA – Golf Courses
Sonoma County is home to a diversity of golf courses - some 16 are listed here (every golf course in the county); we have personally visited 15 of them. Most are public, but some are private and a number are membership based. The private very prestigious Mayacama Golf Course is located just east of Windsor. Jack Nicholas (who designed the course) teed off on opening day in 2001 to many cheers from the on looking crowds. This private course was … [Read more...]
Santa Rosa, CA – Tubbs Fire October 2017
A sculpture honoring a single firefighter - but in reality paying tribute to all those who were integral in helping fight the fires and providing huge amounts of ongoing support to all who were affected by this terrible natural disaster. This page covers first-hand some of the worst hit areas in Santa Rosa - during and after the fires of October 2017. TUBBS FIRE OCTOBER 2017, SANTA ROSA In the evening of October 8th a fire that started … [Read more...]
Santa Rosa, CA – More Info
Here are some Phone Numbers & websites that may prove to be helpful for finding more information about vacationing in Santa Rosa. Greater Santa Rosa Conference and Visitors Bureau can be reached at Phone Number (707) 577-8674 or Phone Number 1-800-404-ROSE. You can also write them at: Santa Rosa Conference & Visitors Bureau | 637 First Street Santa Rosa, CA 95404 Sonoma County Convention and Visitors Bureau … [Read more...]
Nepal – Travel Facts
All foreign nationals except citizens of India need visas. Single entry visas are issued for up to 30 days. However, they can be extended for up to 3 months. Trekking permits on the other hand are needed if you plan on hiking in the Himalayas. These permits can be obtained from immigration offices in Katmandu. The time zone is GMT/UTC plus five hours and 45 minutes. Electricity is 220 volts. Weights and measures are in the metric system. The … [Read more...]
Nepal – What to Bring
Besides the medication and medical kit there is quite a bit that the trekker can bring. If you are going to hire a porter, put what you can into your bag and worry less about the weight. If you are going to carry your own pack you must prioritize what is really important to you on backpacking trips, and consider weight as a factor. If you are not planning on backpacking this list will still help you in your packing. Some of these items may be … [Read more...]
Nepal – Katmandu
Katmandu, for all its poverty and dilapidated buildings, is a relatively safe city. In all my walks and travels through the neighborhoods I never once felt unsafe. In comparison, many times I felt unsafe walking through Bangkok, Thailand or even cities in California. The people in Katmandu were very friendly and easy going. This was the first city that I have ever seen that appeared to be crumbling to the ground. There were few paved streets, … [Read more...]
Lake Tahoe, CA – Shopping
There are quite a few excellent shopping center in the Lake Tahoe area. Some of them are listed below, some with descriptions. A good listing of malls in the Reno area is: Tahoe City Boatworks Shopping Mall is one of my favorite places to hang out in Tahoe City. They are located at North Lake Blvd, and Highway 28. This Mall is located right next to The Lake and the Boatworks Marina. Often times after shopping I … [Read more...]
Lake Tahoe, CA – Hiking, Biking
The following are hiking or biking trails we have explored in the Tahoe Area. As time permits, we will visit additional local trails and provide more information here. Angora Lakes These set of two lakes are located about 10 miles from Emerald Bay. You can either take a car or bike here. Take the Fallen Leaf Road off of Highway 89 on the south side of the road. This is a narrow paved road that skirts Fallen Leaf Lake (about 1/2 mile in … [Read more...]
Lake Tahoe, CA – Gambling
We always enjoy going to South Lake Tahoe for some late night gambling. We have had good luck playing the slots at Planet Hollywood. The restaurant there tends to be quite crowded but once you are seated you are surrounded by movie memorabilia. Check out Cindy Crawford's high school yearbook photo. Whenever we are in Tahoe we always frequent Harrah's Hotel and Casino but Montbleu, nearby, is of similar caliber. We have a soft spot for Harrah's as … [Read more...]