In general, this article is about problematic taxi drivers. It is really hard to put a percentage on the "bad" taxi drivers I've used on trips around the world as each country is different and it is these "bad" drivers who really stand out in your mind. If I had to choose a number, I would say maybe 30-40 percent of the taxi drivers I've used around the world have tried to pull something shady on me. In the same grain, there are many taxi drivers … [Read more...]
Leave Your Fondue Pot At Home: Travel To Switzerland
Switzerland, formally known as The Confederation Helvetica, is a landlocked mountainous haven in the heart of Europe. Partially due to the isolating geography, the Swiss people have maintained a strong commitment to tradition, independence and the preservation of their long-established way of life. Hence, it is very important for the traveler to note that Switzerland is not a member of the European Union and uses the Swiss Franc as their form of … [Read more...]
Los Angeles, CA – Public Transportation
Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA ) Los Angeles, CA – Public Transportation Street Cars used to dominate the greater Los Angeles area serving many communities and locations. These were eventually phased out in the early 1960's. Today, the (MTA) operates the second largest metro system in the country. Los Angeles has quite a large metro - but it still needs to be built out further in sections and has been and is also in the process of being … [Read more...]
Los Angeles, CA – LA Stadiums
The following prominent stadiums and arenas are located within the greater LA and Orange County metropolitan regions. We have also reviewed many venues & theatres here. Angel Stadium of Anaheim (or "the Big A") is located at 2000 E Gene Autry Way just off of the 57 freeway in the heart of Orange County just a few miles from Disneyland. Similar to how the Oakland Coliseum is located next to the Oracle Arena up in the San Francisco Bay Area, … [Read more...]
Istanbul, Turkey
Pelin Ayan is our long time Social Media Director - she also lives in Istanbul and has these recommendations (PDF file) for 3 days in the capital city. Turkiye in the winter can be cold, very cold. However the cold and the largest snow storm in over 50 years did not stop me from spending as much time hopping from one tourist attraction to the next. Over a foot and a half of snow fell in Istanbul the week I was there, and western Turkey is … [Read more...]
Europe – Lodging, Hotels
For not having reservations pre-booked while traveling in Europe in mid summer, I had no issues booking hotels or hostels at the last minute. Before I arrived in Europe I made a list of hotels & hostels in every city I planned to stay the night in. Then I would then book various hotels while on the train or from downtime hanging around train stations or airports. Often times I would just show up in a city and find budget accommodation. Finding … [Read more...]
San Francisco, CA – Driving
San Francisco is NOT a car friendly city for many reasons; it is a very difficult city to drive in. In general, drivers in San Francisco tend to be aggressive and quick to honk. There are numerous hills and many are extremely steep. Space is at a premium in San Francisco - especially on the streets. Some streets do not allow parallel curb parking. They are so steep that you must park your car perpendicular to the curb. There are quite a few … [Read more...]
San Francisco, CA – Accommodations
The following is only a partial list of lodging options in San Francisco. A wide range of hotels are listed that accommodate various budgets. Prices range from the low (single occupancy/off season) to the high (double occupancy/high season) and are subject to change at any time. The downtown/financial district tends to be quite expensive and crowded. For budget travelers recommended lodging is in the outskirts of San Francisco - for example a … [Read more...]
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