To be in the shoes of a wanderer is to fully experience life and to ponder our own existence. However some places carve out a special place in your heart - places you must return to again. There is a mystery of why this 'pull of attraction' exists within yourself and no amount of restraint can stop you from revisiting. For me, Bohol in the Philippines is that place. It has been exactly four years now since I visited Bohol, its capital … [Read more...]
Visit Palau – September 2014
Palau is truly the remote destination for nature lovers and outdoor and marine enthusiasts. It is not an easy destination to reach from Europe or the states. Non stop flights connect in Japan or Guam - this is part of Micronesia - about 800 km as the crow fly's from Manilla, Philippines.This island nation has not yet been overly developed with strip malls, high rise condo's, fast food restaurants that plague many island nations. This is uniquely … [Read more...]
The Old House in Silay
For many generations the same families have owned and preserved ancestral houses in the Philippines as part of their culture. Several houses of prominent families have become points of interest or museums in their communities because of their historical, cultural or architectural worth. Some of these houses, too, have become endangered because of negligent businesses that have no interests in preserving them. I find “preservation” of these homes … [Read more...]
Cebu Will Always Be A Paradise!
“One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.” – Henry Miller “Book a ticket now and just fly!” - this is what happened on 24th of May, year 2014, my friends and I decided to explore several islands of Cebu, Philippines. Plane ticket booked. Next in line: Do the research. My little knowledge about the place gave me the enthusiasm to go online and start moving my fingers on my laptop keyboard for my research. What is the … [Read more...]
Great Barrier Reef Capsizing & Rescue Story
I have been to Queensland several times over the years but each time I've never had the chance to visit the Great Barrier Reef. It has been on my "bucket list" for a very long time. During my latest trip earlier this year I was fortunate to finally be able to visit this reef, certainly one of the planet's most inspiring underwater and above water destinations. During my time exploring the reef I met an engaging individual, Nick Lynch. I've … [Read more...]
2 Awesome Places I Got To Tick Off My Bucket List
I’ve had an overseas bucket list since I was 18 years of age and I’m still nowhere close to completing the list, though I figure If I get to have 15 countries under my belt I’d be a very happy guy. So far I have visited 8 countries (Peru, Mexico, Philippines, Zimbabwe, Rwanda, Mongolia, UAE and Brazil)…my highlights of those trips were: Trekking the Inca Trail in Peru Staying in a Yurt in Mongolia Sand dune boarding in … [Read more...]
Cock-a-Doodle-Don’t, Cockfighting in the Philippines
John M. Edwards attends a horrific “cockfight” on Bantayan Island in the Philippines, only to end up wondering what exactly were the ingredients in the national dish of adobo. . . . The roosters swaggered around like Mick and Keith, with dangerously sharp spurs attached to their legs. While the apocalyptic poultry sussed each other out with malice, the excitement began to build. My two new Norwegian backpacker friends snapped photos with … [Read more...]
Puerto Princesa: Recommended Lodging, Eateries, and Sites
With 1,500 people a day arriving to see the sites in and around Puerto Princesa (Philippines), travelers need to know where to stay, what to eat, and where to visit. In the last twelve months, many new accommodation options have opened up including the boutique styled Acacia Tree Garden Hotel and Kamia Bay’s lovely resort. Long time restaurant favorites such as Ka Inato and Kina Buch continue to delight tourists and locals alike with tasty … [Read more...]
Bountiful Bohol
Editor Intro: After fifteen months traveling around Asia, George and his wife Lisa were headed back to the United States. But before they left, the earthquake in Bohol, Philippines hit. They want to reassure everyone after the earthquake in Bohol that Panglao Island with the beach resorts are currently open for tourists. Some of the heritage churches were destroyed but most tourist operations including the Loboc River Cruise are back in … [Read more...]
Lynn Gilmartin: Australian Presenter and Traveler
We first stumbled upon Lynn's travel videos inadvertently while doing research for another interview. Poker, International travels, well being - yes, this looks like a great lifestyle! We thank Lynn for taking time out of her busy schedule to do this interview - at the time of this interview, she was actually in the process of moving to Los Angeles from Melbourne Australia. Q. What (or who) was your initial motivation to initially start … [Read more...]