We are watching the sun slowly drop below the Egyptian skyline here on the edge of the Red Sea merely 3 clicks from the Saudi border. It is so quiet from our mountain side desert perch. 6 minutes walking gets us to the beach. The air is warm and intoxicating. We are on the Jordanian side now. This arm of the Red Sea contains the world's most northerly coral reefs. The Red Sea is full of coral and brightly colored fish. Just got in from a 1 … [Read more...]
Deadline and Last Call for 2011 Around the World Travel Adventure Competition
SANTA MONICA, CA (5 January 2011) - Outside magazine calls it, "One of the 50 Most Amazing Trips in the World," Peter Greenberg says that, "Unlike The Amazing Race, this challenge is more about your ability to connect with cultures," while NationalGeographic.com says the travel competition is, "like Survivor, The Amazing Race and the Eco-Challenge all rolled into one except with much more cultural interaction." The 7th annual Global Scavenger … [Read more...]
Yosemite – Valley Floor
We heard someone once say that living in Mariposa County will turn you into a photographer. Perhaps just visiting Yosemite will do the trick. Picturesque locations await you from massive granite formations to amazing waterfalls, to sweeping mountain vistas to alpine lakes. 95% of the visitors to Yosemite National Park visit 5% of its total landmass - this 5% being the valley floor. As a result it is fairly easy to become immersed in Yosemite's … [Read more...]
Los Angeles, CA – Theme Parks
Disneyland Park is located at 1313 S Harbor Blvd off on the South West side of the 5 Freeway. You can take a free tram to the main park entrance from one of the parking garages. If you know where to look you can actually see parts of Disneyland peaking above the rest of the buildings as you zip down the 5 freeway. Everyone has heard of Disneyland with its theme rides, entertainment & attractions for all ages. This is the original Disneyland … [Read more...]
Market – La Paz (Bolivia)
"Son para dinero y trabajo," the plump little witch raises the talismans to eye level. "Con estos tu tendras buena suerte." Magic talismans for money and jobs? Do they work? Of course not, but I need all the luck I can get, so I purchase the talismans for five Bolivianos. Darn cheap if they'll do as claimed. Depositing the new toys in my leather shoulder bag I continue down the street, with my wife teasing me to the tune of "Raiders of the … [Read more...]
Our Time in China
The opening up of China is a stirring idea. A foreigner traveling alone today is privileged to see more of China than almost any Chinese has seen in his or her lifetime. I wondered what we could learn-traveling alone. Our images and ideas of China have surely been contradictory and distorted over time. In the years of the Cultural Revolution after 1966 tens of millions of Chinese had become the instruments of their own terror...a million were … [Read more...]
No Time for Love, Dr. Jones
The following morning I awoke early and knew from experience that the boys would sleep for several more hours. I usually enjoyed this time by myself reading or wandering around, maybe getting breakfast. But I felt an odd surge of energy and curiosity and took flight into the jungle to find me a cave. I got my hands on a poor hand drawn map and bought a bottle of water on the way out of town. According to the map I would come to a bridge on the … [Read more...]
Spokane, WA – Hotels
There are many hotels in Spokane ranging from simple budget motels to expensive resorts. Prices for hotels listed below range from the low (single person/single bed) to a high of (double person/2 beds). All listings are organized by Downtown, East, West, and North. Few hotels are located in the south end of Spokane as it is mostly a residential area. Prices are subject to change without notice. All phone numbers are in the 509 area code … [Read more...]