COMPETITOURS is a team travel competition where 17 pairs of teams will converge upon Europe for a 2 week 5 country trip, earning points by accomplishing a series of fun, offbeat and interactive challenges while experiencing the diversity of Europe’s people, places and culture. At stake is a grand prize travel spree with up to 40 nights at any Starwood property worldwide, plus up to 4 intl. airline tickets and up to $6500 spending money.
Competitours features 9-12 daily challenges that will test teams special abilities to be creative, inventive, resourceful, original, even a bit zany……and SPONTANEOUS. Each days destination and challenges will only be revealed with a suspenseful half-day’s notice, so teams must be braced for the thrill of making snap decisions about creating their own customized itineraries each following day. Think of any major city in Western or Central Europe plus their outskirts, rural village life and any nearby outdoor actvities; we’ll end up at 5-6 of them each trip.
Teams will only have to choose 4-5 of these challenges each day that best meet their touring preferences and skill sets, using only public transport to route between locales. Teams will document the challenges they choose to pursue via portable videocamera and upload the video by a daily deadline for evaluation and scoring by our judges.
Sample ‘Competitasks’ (as we call our challenges!)
* Visit a Viking Ship Museum in Oslo and with the knowledge you’ve gained, shoot a 30 second mock commercial pitching a 9th century Viking Ship as a vacation option for a 21st century family.
* Go to the top of the Eiffel Tower and recruit and videotape 15 other tourists to do a 30 second rousing rendition of the can-can.
* Visit a Torture Museum in Prague, choose three instruments of torture and shoot a 45-60 second video explaining how each could be used as a non-lethal household item.
* The Berlin Wall remanants are full of graffiti. Become an instant art critic and shoot a 30 second mock interpretation of a meaningless piece of graffiti as a significant piece of art. Be serious, silly, sarcastic, whatever.
As you can see, our challenges will span a wide variety of themes and skill sets, but most importantly, the competition is NOT about speed or strength, but rather drawing out teams’ personal insights, perspectives and personalities. Game sessions will only last until late afternoon each day, so there’s plenty of free time, the game compliments not overwhelms the trip. This trip will definitely be a blast, but not a blur!
The scoring is straightforward. Our judges will evaluate and compare teams’ video content documenting each task, then assign the top 50% of teams the higher score (ie-15 pts) and the bottom 50% the lower score (ie-5 pts). The dynamic nature of this risk/reward scoring will insure that all the teams should be in contention down the homestretch.
Recognizing that Competitours is a NEW company, with a secret destination routing (via Eurail) and surprise daily itinerary set of challenge options and an eye-popping grand prize, we have instituted a precedent-setting pay-AFTER-performance payment policy as an assurance to potential customers that we will deliver an exciting and complete trip.
There are three trip options, tiered based on trip length, number of teams, size of grand prize. Trips range from $1995 for our Budget Trip (9 nights, 24 teams, 20 night grand prize worldwide travel spree) to $2850 for our Standard Trip (14 nights, 17 teams, 40 night grand prize). Costs are per person and include intl. airfare, lodging, Eurail Pass, 9-12 daily challenges, grand prize eligibility). Your partner can be anyone from a best friend to intergenerational family member, just make sure your team has a solid mix of left brain (creative) and right brain (logistical)!!
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