You can look at any family and you are going to find a quirk to two here and there. Every family has a couple of traditions that they practice on a daily or weekly basis that others find weird. Maybe it has to do with their cultures. Maybe it is just how they are as a family whatever the situation is, these traditions might seem weird, but they are certainly not the weirdest on earth. Just check out some of the following most unnatural traditions practiced by cultures from all around the world.
Romans Feeding The Dead
This is a tradition that isn’t alive as much as it once used to be, but for more families, it is a tradition that has survived the test of time. This is a tradition that was extremely popular once upon a time, but mildly popular today. It is a tradition that involves Romans feeding honey and other liquids through a series of underground connected tunnels. These tunnels lead to tombs and other grave sites. This is a tradition that was literally named feeding the dead.
Gambling Online
This is probably a tradition that does seem so weird in some parts of the country, while it seems totally out of place in others. There are a number of family members that will get online, visit gambling sites like sbobet mobile, and play an entire week worth of funds. Some families have come to depend on these earnings as a means of income while others just can’t seem to get ahead. This is certainly one fun-filled tradition that could be packed with extreme entertainment for the right family.
Magpie Greetings
For a long time, people in the United Kingdom have seen viewing single Magpies as a bad omen. However, it has been believed that if one encounters a lone Magpie they can simply quote the phrase,
Good morning Mr. Magpie and how is your lady wife today?” and the bad luck will be banished.
Eating Of The Ashes
There are a number of ways that family members mourn and remember their lost ones. There are even some cultures believe that the spirits of a loved one can later be contacted. Well, there is one tribe located in Denmark that is known for consuming the ashes of their loved ones. This is the Tonamamo tribe and they will burn the ashes of their family member’s bodies and then mix them into a meal.
Tomato Fight
If you are not originally from Spain, it is likely that you have never heard of La Tomatine. This event features a large crowd of people throwing tomatoes at each other. La Tomatine takes place annually in the Valencian town of Bunol. To join in on one of the strangest traditions in the world, you must purchase a ticket.
Cheese Roll
If you are a fan of cheese, you may want to consider joining the people of Gloucester and others the cheese roll. The event takes off with a large Double Gloucester Cheese roll being pushed off Coopers Hill. As soon as the cheese roll starts in motion, the participants start running after it. The winner, if there is one, must catch the cheese roll. While the cheese roll does not appear to be a dangerous event, previous participants have sustained injuries from slipping and tripping.
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I visited a Rauschenberg exhibition the other day after a saunter through Borough market and it struck me. Fighting for a better world is not easy but we’re never going to get anywhere if we don’t all do our bit – like when we organised an organic bake-sale at our local community gardens to raise awareness for Kurdish Women’s rights. But I guess that’s just what happens when we let Saudi oil magnates rape our ecosystems and ruin the planet.