It is safe to say that swimming is one of the most versatile sports. You can use it to improve your health and have fun at the same time. In this article, explains more about the health benefits of swimming.
Strengthening the heart and blood vessels
Regular swimming increases the strength of the muscles and the power of the heart, as well as normalizes the heart rate. When a person is swimming, he is in an environment that favorably affects the work of the cardiovascular system. Water has properties that facilitate the outflow of blood from the periphery to the heart.
Increased lung strength
Scientists have long noticed that swimming increases the strength and tone of the respiratory muscles, as well as the volume of the lungs, and enhances their ventilation. This is because the swimmer breathes in sync with the movements. During training, the athlete experiences great stress and a great need for oxygen. The muscles of the chest develop, as while a person is in the water, they have to overcome resistance when breathing. This promotes a fuller inhalation.
Muscle development and bone strengthening
Muscles are trained regardless of swimming style. Thanks to the measured movements in the water, a beautiful and harmonious figure is formed. By exercising 2 or 3 times a week for 60-90 minutes, you can keep yourself in good shape.
During swimming, various muscles in the body tense and relax, thereby increasing their endurance and strength. Coordination of movements also improves. Water resists human movement more than air, so the athlete exerts more effort during swimming than during physical activity on land.
When you swim, the biceps, triceps, deltoids of the shoulder, flexors of the fingers, neck muscles, chest muscles, in general, the whole body will work. Thanks to swimming, you will have a beautiful posture.
By choosing a specific swimming style, you can use the muscle group you need. So, in the breaststroke, the best load on the large round muscles of the back is provided. If you prefer a butterfly, you will ensure good development of the leg muscles, which include the muscles of the pelvic girdle, thigh, lower leg and foot. Also, the muscles of the arms will receive a serious load.
Beneficial effect on the nervous system and immunity
Swimming normalizes excitement and inhibition of the central nervous system, improves blood supply to the brain. Water keeps a person, creating a feeling of weightlessness, which, according to scientists, has a good effect on the psyche due to the charge of positive emotions. Swimming is an excellent remedy for depression, fatigue and insomnia. It improves memory and concentration, boosts spirits and makes a person less irritable.
The athlete’s immunity also improves since swimming hardens the body and makes it more resistant to the effects of low temperatures. As a result, it fights disease and viruses more effectively.
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