While travel is fun and rewarding, packing can be tough and annoying. You have to decide which luggage to use, which items to bring, and find a way to make it all fit. And you’d better remember everything you need because once you’re gone, it’s too late.
When it comes to the personal care products we pack, everyone’s list is different. With that said, many experienced travelers swear by a specific list of natural supplements. Most of them you’ve heard of before, while others might sound new. But each one is shown to help travelers when they need it most.
Let’s take a look at six natural supplements every traveler should pack for their next trip:
B Vitamins
While B vitamins are found in many foods, vegetarians and vegans may have a hard time getting their recommended daily dose. Those deficient in B vitamins tend to feel tired and anxious. There may also be a link between depression and low levels of B12. In fact, many natural anxiety remedies include B vitamins in the list of ingredients. With this in mind, those who experience anxiety while traveling ought to bring B vitamins on their next trip. Doing so may help stave off the stress and sadness that often gets in the way of a wonderful travel experience.
We aren’t advising anyone to pack cannabis products for their next trip. While cannabidiol is derived from cannabis, it doesn’t induce the psychoactive “high” we associate with marijuana. That’s because cannabidiol – CBD for short – is not THC. They are separate compounds. CBD – particularly CBD oil – is shown to reduce anxiety and improve sleep. For travelers that just spent a day or two in transit only to find themselves jet-lagged, CBD can be useful in helping get themselves back on track and ready to explore.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Do you find yourself enveloped by brain fog whenever you arrive at your destination? If so, a boost in Omega-3 fatty acids might be in order. The brain needs it to function, but the body doesn’t make it, requiring people to find natural sources. While eating fish is the most popular way for people to get their recommended dose of Omega-3, some people don’t eat fish for one reason or another. If this describes your situation, consider stocking up on Omega-3 supplements for your trip.
Magnesium has several health benefits, such as managing anxiety, alleviating inflammation, and improving PMS symptoms. With this in mind, every traveler should consider packing magnesium supplements for their next trip. Like other suggestions, magnesium levels are ideally kept with a proper diet. But since everyone’s dietary needs are different, and some people process minerals differently than others, it’s a good idea to bring magnesium capsules on vacation. Doing so ensures you feel your best.
Depending on their point of origin and final destination, travelers may face a significant discrepancy between their internal clock and the local time. Commonly referred to as jet lag, travelers find themselves unable to fall asleep due to the rapid change in time zones. One way to limit the effects of jet lag is to take a melatonin supplement approximately one hour before you plan to go to bed. Melatonin is the hormone our bodies produce in reaction to low light conditions. It helps control our sleep cycle by synchronizing our circadian rhythm with the external environment. By taking melatonin for the first night or two of your trip, you stand a better chance of getting the sleep needed each night going forward.
While an inability to fall asleep can be a problem when traveling in one direction, untimely tiredness can be a problem when headed the other way. A quick solution is to consume caffeine to feel more alert and stave off sleep until it’s a more practical time to go to bed. A cup of coffee or tea can do the trick, or you can choose to pack caffeine pills in your luggage. With that said, caffeine is not for everyone, and some people have an adverse reaction to it, so talk to your doctor before using it to improve alertness while traveling.
Knowing what to pack for a trip can be a hassle, especially when it comes to the self-care items we choose to bring. However, you can’t go wrong by remembering to take these six supplements with you on your next travel adventure.
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