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eZee Reservation - Online Booking Engine

eZee Reservation - Online Booking Engine
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Description eZee Reservation is an online booking engine that allows your guests to book directly with your hotel from the website.

The easy to use booking engine enhances your hotel website and can be customized to meet the look and feel of your hotel while displaying the rooms, rates, facilities offered and much more.

Being cloud based, it does not require any kind of hardware or software upgrade, with a good internet connection and web browser to get started.
eZee Reservation runs on all the major internet browsers and can be accessed from smart phones and tablets as well. Increase your global reach with eZee Reservation by providing clients with a superior booking experience and increase your revenues by receiving unlimited commission free bookings.


1. Unlimited Commission Free Bookings
2. Channel Manager
3. Central Reservation System
4. PMS Integration
5. TripConnect Premium Partner
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Submission Date Jan 09, 2015