Country Codes
Visit the following link for a list of telephone country codes for most of the world's countries. Country Codes
International country calling codes and world time zones
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Submitted Apr 30, 2010 |
This website's mission is to provide our visitors with comprehensive and up to date information on how to dial internationally from the USA, Canada or from any other country. Telephone country codes and international area codes are displayed by country, with additional info featured such as city and cellular codes, telephone books. In addition we provide a comprehensive list of country and exit codes
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Submitted Apr 30, 2010 |
Area code search is easy. Check out our area code listing directory.
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Submitted Feb 26, 2010 |
Category Stats
Listings: 3
Regular: 3
Last listing added: Apr 30, 2010
Regular: 3
Last listing added: Apr 30, 2010