Tips for Dealing with the Stress of Travel
Whether you have to travel for business or taking that long awaited vacation, the stress involved with travel can sometimes be overwhelming for many. Thankfully, there are many ways to help us deal with and cope with stress that undoubtedly comes with traveling.
If you can cope and manage stressful situations effectively, then dealing with some of the headaches involved with travel can be a lot more pleasant for everyone. From airport security line-ups, lost luggage at the airport, late flight connections, rude customer service employees, to that dreaded jet lag you experience with long haul flights, knowing how to deal with every day annoyances more easily can make you physically and mentally feel so much better.
Whether we like it or not, stress is a part of our daily lives, unless you live alone in a cave and how you manage it will have a huge effect on the way you feel overall.
Here are a few tips to keep in mind the next time you feel impatient and stressed during travel.
Look After Yourself
When we travel, sometimes it can be very difficult to take proper care of ourselves. It is especially important to look after yourself both physically and emotionally when you are away from home and your daily routine. This includes trying to eat as healthy as you possibly can and trying to get some daily exercise.
By taking care of both, you will feel better which helps reduce anxiety and overall stress. As well, be sure to drink plenty of water during the day, especially on those longer flights to keep properly hydrated and healthy at all times. Remember, alcohol consumption only adds to dehydration, so if you do drink, replace that drink with double the water!
Pay Attention to Yourself
If you find yourself in a difficult situation, try to pay attention to your physical signs and feelings and be able to recognize when you are beginning to feel uptight. When this happens, try taking a deep breath, relax and think about getting through the difficult situation without getting upset.
When we are tired from travel, it is normal to become more agitated easily, but try to recognize the signs and stay calm and know that you will overcome this obstacle that is making you upset.
Make Plans Before Travel
Sometimes we simply do not have the luxury of planning ahead when traveling and have to deal with things as they appear. If you can plan and confirm such things as airport transfers, hotel and flight confirmations, rental car reservations, contact phone numbers for all the above and any other bookings you may have, you can reduce much of your travel anxiety tenfold by being prepared well ahead of time. This especially true after coming off those long haul flights and having to deal with all the changes expected with this type of travel. Adjusting to time change, sleep interruption, hunger and much more.
These are just a few tips to help make things a little easier and more enjoyable for you and your family the next time you travel. Enjoy stress free, safe and Healthy Travel each and every trip!
Try to remember to think before you react in stressful situations, especially during travel and always expect the unexpected! It’s just a part of travel that we all deal with and that makes it an adventure!
Travel safe!
Excellent tips, Robert. Thank you.
We have a tip to add = the day before you travel do as little as possible – just relax.
Michael and Gina Z
Bangkok, Thailand