The first time I heard about Couchsurfing was when I visited LA back in 2007. While cruising through the steel and glass of LA’s concrete jungle in a car with David, a long-time friend of mine and the owner and editor of Dave’s Travel Corner, we were hit with this crazy idea of crashing on strangers’ couches.
Despite the discomfort of wrapping up in a sleeping bag on the cold living room floor, we had so much fun getting to know so many great people. It was an amazing experience. Only later, while watching ‘Couch Connection,’ did I realize all those memories could actually be turned into a motion picture, just like what Christoph Pehofer did to bring his filmmaking dream to life.
Christoph Pehofer had this creative spark in his mind while tripping through North America and Asia. He captured all his experiences on film, and these footages were later transformed into his dream project. In 2020, with over 300 in the audience, his first travel film, “Couch Connections” premiered on the big screen – a wildest dream come true for him.
Christoph recently shared with me how he turned his experiences meeting strangers into a film and how Couchsurfing has redefined his approach to travel. The following is his story told to me in an interview.
9 countries, 53 couches over the course of 9 months
The Couchsurfing community is like a bubble. However, it’s the best bubble to be in. Some of the kindest human beings are on the platform. Most of them are welcoming, trustworthy, and friendly.
Most of the time, it feels like you are meeting someone you have known for years. Like the slogan of the film, “Every friend was once a stranger,”, The world would be a better place if everyone embraced the Couchsurfing spirit.
Instead of dwelling on our differences, we should focus on what makes us alike. One thing I have noticed is that almost everyone I have stayed with loves to cook. We often cook and have meals together, either traditional dishes from the country I am visiting, or, during my travels, I have found myself cooking Schnitzel quite often for my hosts.
“Couch Connections” is his 72-minute labor of love
I traveled for 9 months in North America and Asia. It was one epic trip. I had planned to produce a film about Couchsurfing even before the journey began. I filmed most of my Couchsurfing experiences with my camera. I didn’t specifically choose my hosts. Instead, it was they who chose to host me. Typically, I would send out 3-5 requests each time I traveled to a new place and wait for responses. Usually, only one host would respond and that was my only accommodation option.
I mentioned in my request that I might film during my stay, so the host knew beforehand. Fortunately, all the hosts agreed to be part of the film. During the editing process, we decided who would be included. Out of the 53 hosts I stayed with, I filmed around 35, and about 20 made it into the film.
The idea behind the film was to showcase the concept of Couchsurfing. People in my friends and family often ask me, ‘What do you think you are doing? That sounds so scary and dangerous!’ With the film ‘Couch Connections,’ I want to show people that Couchsurfing is the best way to travel, and that most people involved are among the kindest.
Over the course of 9 months, I had so many memorable moments, but it’s the Couchsurfing experiences that truly take center stage in the film.

Christoph and his nudist host in Manhattan
A creative spin on the editing process
During the editing process, we soon realized that presenting the footage chronologically might make the whole film much like a boring travel diary – too monotonous. We knew we did not want that way of storytelling.
After some brainstorming, we decided to break up the footage and narrate the story in a more topical manner, jumping around the countries I visited in a non-chronological sequence. That way we were able to infuse entertainment and emotional depth to the film.
One of the biggest challenges was at the beginning of the editing process. When you start traveling and lose yourself in great moments, you won’t even think about how your film is going to start. When it finally came to the editing, we were like, ‘Oh wait, how are we going to start telling the story?’
A couple of weeks into the process, all the fragments of memories came back to me. I remembered that I filmed my first-ever Couchsurfing experience back in 2013. I looked at the footage and was amazed to see how shy I was and how terrible my English was.
No amount of parental warning could faze his adventurous spirit
It is a common phrase in the film. I grew up in an open-minded family. However, when I told my parents about Couchsurfing, they were a little concerned, and some friends found the concept a little strange.
In my opinion, hosting and being hosted are the best ways to travel. When you host, you rediscover your own city through a tourist’s lens. When you’re hosted, you don’t feel like a typical tourist and get to experience your new destination at a deeper level.
During my first Couchsurfing experience, I was very shy, and my English was not all that great. Nonetheless, it was an amazing experience, and it’s always fun when strangers turn into best friends in a matter of minutes.
Skepticism and fear can hold us back in unfamiliar situations. Keep an open mind
In a world of information overload, negative travel stories that we hear often morph into stereotypes. However, it’s important to keep in mind that just because it seems like many bad apples are out there, it doesn’t mean everyone falls into that category.
We must eliminate stereotypes because it is not fair to generalize everyone. I am mostly an optimist and see the good in people. This mindset has worked out quite well for me.
Some people may say that having this mindset could cloud your judgment and get you in trouble at times. However, in my experience, it has mostly led to positivity than negativity. I believe that the energy you give off will always circle back to you. If you are kind, you will be treated kindly in return.
Keeping an open mind does not mean lowering our guard
Unfortunately, some users tend to misuse the platform as a dating app. Make sure you take your time to go through the references and keep an eye out for any negatives. While people often give positive references, reading between the lines might reveal something that would otherwise go unnoticed.
You can get a good sense of what people are looking for by reading their profiles and messages. If you find yourself in an uncomfortable situation, don’t hesitate to leave! You’re under no obligation to stay, and you can end the interaction at any time. It’s also helpful to check out nearby hostels or hotels beforehand, as a safety net if needed.
One of the bad experiences I had was when I stayed with an older guy. In the morning, while I was sitting on his couch, he unexpectedly showed up naked and kissed me on the cheek. I told him that what he did made me uncomfortable. I decided to leave on the same day.
I don’t think the experiences I went through changed anything major, but one thing is for sure—it strengthened my existing character traits and attitudes. Even before my trip, I never assumed that the world was a dangerous place.
I was overwhelmed by the friendliness and helpfulness that some strangers showed me. Across the world, I encountered wonderful people with open hearts and open arms. Everybody has something to share, and you can learn from everyone, even if you don’t always share all their views.
A premiere night to remember
It was a wonderful premiere night. As I said, my goal was to see ‘Couch Connections’ on the big screen, and we made it. As the evening rolled in, I was both a little nervous and overwhelmed by the turnout of the audience. A total of 320 people showed up and the screening was sold out. It was very surreal as if I was in a dream. I could not believe what I saw. I almost locked myself in a room and never came out.
When the film started to roll up on the big screen, all my apprehension melted away, replaced by goosebumps breaking out all over me. Seeing the audience burst into laughter during the moments when we expected them to laugh was simply magic! it’s just wild and thrilling to see your idea come to life like that. I can’t remember feeling this way ever before!
It was hard to make it back into cinemas because all the big films got delayed too, and they obviously had a bigger priority than my small film. Nowadays, the film is available on all major streaming platforms.
Upcoming plans
Couch Connections was my first film and hopefully not my last. Since the premiere of the film in January 2020, I was working for different TV channels in Austria and Germany.
The process usually takes some time. I can’t say anything for now. However, I am hopeful that something new will kick off next year.
Final message for readers
Try to listen more to other people’s perspectives and strive to find common ground. In the end, there is usually more that connects us than separates us!
Photos by Christoph Pehofer
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