Philippines Tourism – The Philippines are one of the most under-rated Island nations in the world. They take a little more work to get to because of their location and as a result compared to mainland SE Asia there are far fewer tourists who visit the Philippines. How can you go wrong with over 7100+ islands and world class white sand beaches complimented by the clearest bluest water you’ve seen.
In addition English is one of the languages learned in school and is spoken by most people, it is safe, travel is easy, everything is very affordable, the food is excellent (similar flavors to Thai food but without the hot spiciness) and the people are among the friendliest you will meet. For more information visit the official tourism guide for the country: or view our Philippines photo gallery here.
Hi Dave,
We can really find many beautiful tourist spots in the Philippines. Thanks for sharing this article. Very informative.
Yes there are, I need to return to the land of the 7,000 islands!