Driving Distances to Mammoth Lakes
Bakersfield 4.5 hours 260 miles
Death Valley 4 hours 214 miles
Fresno 4.5 hours 200 miles
Las Vegas 5.75 hours 377 miles
Los Angeles 5.5 hours 325 miles
Orange County 6.5 hours 363 miles
Reno 3 hours 164 miles
Sacramento 5 hours 290 miles
San Bernardino 5 hours 290 miles
San Diego 7 hours 400 miles
San Francisco 7 hours 300 miles
Santa Barbara 6.5 hours 385 miles
Tioga Pass 3/4 hour 45 miles
Yosemite Valley 2.5 hours 100 miles
Allow additional time for winter driving as well as other challenges including icy roads or storms. Also note that some roads may close for the winter including Tioga Pass which typically is completely closed from a few miles outside of Lee Vining all the way to the other side of Yosemite Park between the mid to end of October to the end of May.
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