If you have the opportunity to visit the Eastern Sierra in the Fall you will be impressed by the brilliance of the turning of Aspen leaf colors.
In the summer the leaves are a bright green but once the nights start to get cool and the calendar dips into September entire canyons seem to resonate with color. You can get up to the date information about prime viewing sites and when the best time of the year is.
The time the leaves change colors vary slightly depending on the year. Some popular areas for viewing the aspen are Bishop Creek, Lundy Canyon, June Lake Loop (the previous two are our favorite areas), Convict Canyon, Conway Summit, Laurel Canyon, Mammoth Creek, Mammoth Lakes Basin, McGee Creek, Red’s Meadow, Walker River Canyon, Twin Lakes, Bridgeport and Big Pine.
The following phone numbers will provide you with further information about the changing of the colors as well as other information about the Eastern Sierra:
Bridgeport Ranger Station: 760.932.7070
Lee Vining Ranger Station: 760.647.3044
Mammoth Ranger Station: 760.924.5500
Mt. Whitney Station: 760.876.6200
Carson Valley of Commerce: 800.727.7677
White Mountain Ranger Station: 760.873.2500
You can have the Mammoth Lakes Chamber of Commerce mail you a full color brochure devoted entirely the colorful splendor of the Fall Aspen colors. From a biological perspective, there is an interesting article in this brochure explaining why the leaves change color. Write them at:
Mammoth Lakes Visitors Bureau
P.O. Box 48
Mammoth Lakes, CA 93546
Call them at PHONE NUMBER 888.GO.MAMMOTH OR email them at mmthvisit@qnet.com
OR visit them on the web at www.visitmammoth.com.
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