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- This topic has 15 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 11 years, 10 months ago by
threelandBefore Your Trip:
Here are just a few precautions you can take ahead of time:
• Make sure your immunizations are current.
• If possible, delay your trip if you’re not feeling well.
• If you’re prone to air sickness, ask for a window seat over the wing.
• If you have any health questions, or if you suffer from a chronic ailment, motion sickness, or fear of flying, ask for advice from your physician.
• Stress is bad for you. Reduce stress by allowing plenty of time to check in and reach your departure gate.
• Always carry your medication with you—never pack it in baggage you’re planning to check.
• Wear loose, comfortable clothing and shoes for your flight.
During Your Trip
Here are a few things you can do to feel good while you’re flying:
• Eat lightly during your flight.
• Stay hydrated while you fly.
• Leave room under the seat in front of you so you can stretch out your legs.
• If conditions permit, try to stand up and walk around the cabin every once in a while.
At Your Destination
Here are a couple of things to remember once you arrive:
• Never purchase local medications unless you’re familiar with them.
• Wear sun block and sunglasses in the tropics and at high altitudes.
• Drink a lot of water to minimize altitude sickness.These sites offer comprehensive information about healthy travel:
jaymayThanks for the tips! I’m actually starting my round the world trip soon. So these will come in handy. =)
khelzy09thanks for sharing this tips to us..
this tips are very handy..and here’s a safe travel tips:
- Do the research so you’ll know the particular risks you face.
- Know the local laws and abide by them.
- Register your whereabouts with the U.S. Embassy if you are staying longer than two weeks or are in a particularly dangerous area.
- Dress conservatively and try to blend in.
- Take care when choosing your hotel and transportation providers.
- If you haven’t left your valuables at home, leave them in your hotel’s safe.
- Don’t draw attention to yourself, avoid wearing flashy jewelry and don’t display large amounts of cash.
- Avoid traveling alone.
- Be careful about sharing your traveling plans with strangers.
- Stick to the main roads and avoid taking shortcuts down narrow alleys and/or poorly lit streets.
- Always be aware of what is going on around you.
- Only use taxis, tours and other transportation services with official markings.
- Be very careful if you are asked to sell or part with your personal items.
- Never accept gifts or packages from unknown parties.
- Don’t accept items from locals to carry out of the country and deliver or mail to someone they know.
- Approach any “special deals” with caution, especially if you have to go off the beaten path to get them.
- Know the laws about exchanging money.
shamenaThanks for the great tips. Very helpful. This is all we need. It is very important for a travel.I am giving here some Tips for Travelling Healthy and for Travellers with Allergies
1.Ask for an allergy-free, pet-free and no smoking hotel room. Increasingly hotels, notably those in major cities, are responding to worldwide consumer interest in and demand for more healthy accommodations. The closer you can come to enjoying a PURE room, the more enjoyable your trip will be.
2.Sunshine and dry air minimize the growth of various types of irritants and contaminants, so try to get a hotel room that is bright and sunny, and well away from such facilities as swimming pools.
3. Air circulation is key to a healthy hotel room so make sure that yours has good ventilation.
4.It may run counter to the “fresh air is always good for you” myth, but air conditioning is often a wise idea when traveling by car and staying in a hotel room, particularly for those who have allergies or are sensitive to airborne pollutants. It may not be possible in the rainforest but it’s always helpful to try to keep humidity low, ideally at 50 percent or lower because moisture is generally needed for bacteria, viruses and other contaminants to grow. Air conditioning helps do this.
5.Know your destination. Allergy and pollen seasons, temperatures and humidity, rainy and dry seasons all vary around the country and the world. The more you know about conditions in your destination at the time of your visit, the easier it is to prepare for possible discomfort. Try to plan your trip for a time of the year when indoor and outdoor pollutants are at a minimum
6. Bring your medications. Be sure to plan ahead, even consult a doctor if necessary, to ensure that you are prepared to combat whatever allergy or irritant might rear its ugly head during your travels. Have medications, especially anything needed for a sudden, serious allergic reaction, readily available at all time. And it’s always wise to know something about available medical facilities and services when traveling to foreign countries
7. Drink Plenty of waterDrink plenty of water, but the right kind. Whether it’s on an airplane or in a car, whether you are enjoying hot weather or vigorous exercise, keep your body full of fluids, especially fresh, clean water. When traveling internationally to some parts of the world, it might be wise to stick to bottled water, just to be safe
8. Be careful with food. New culinary traditions, ingredients and cooking methods can take some getting used to, even when there is absolutely nothing wrong or ill-prepared about the meal. If you are traveling to exotic destinations, get advice about what and where is safe to eat. And it’s always a good idea to have an over-the-counter remedy on hand just in case
9. Protect your skin. Pausing occasionally to apply sunblock is an easy way to avoid a sunburn – and possible more serious problems years from now – that could ruin a day or two of vacation
10. Ask for PURE room at hotels. PURE Solutions offer hotel rooms that are allergy-friendly through taking precautions like: continuously circulated and filtered air, hypoallergenic bedding and pillows that are mold-, spore-, dust- and dust mite-proof, and surface cleaning that eliminates the growth of bacteria. A PURE room reduces particulates that can trigger allergies by 98 percent. Wyndham Hotels is the latest hospitality company to sign on, with a promise to offer PURE rooms in all their properties by the end of 2009. For more on PURE rooms or to find a hotel that offers PURE rooms,
lizaThese tips are really useful for the people who are planning their vacation at different places. Thanks for sharing these useful tips.
tripclikby booking in advance you are saving money. What happens is airline flight tickets are going up and down everyday. As the day comes closer to when a particular flight will leave the cost of the airfare will increase. Once you know what date you will be traveling you want to book your airline tickets at least two to three weeks in advance that way you can always rest assured that you are receiving a reasonable price for your airfare.
jeremybrstlThanks for all the tips! This is really going to help travelers on their vacation with the added advantage of hotels discount if they find the right online hotel reservation agency to book through.
Check out: http://www.excitehotels.com
gorakiiznottakenTravelling tips are very useful especially when you are travelling to another country for vacations,totally new place to hang out.Thanks for sharing great travelling tips….i have made some of mistake in previous trips but the tips you have shared will help me to enjoy more
ScreamoonWI dont travel internationally much any more and once again have to appreciate the freedoms afforded to us here in the USA. Many of these tips are a good idea for domestic travel as well. Thank you for posting this link
hellosirdothreeland wrote:Before Your Trip:
Here are just a few precautions you can take ahead of time:
• Make sure your immunizations are current.
• If possible, delay your trip if you’re not feeling well.
• If you’re prone to air sickness, ask for a window seat over the wing.
• If you have any health questions, or if you suffer from a chronic ailment, motion sickness, or fear of flying, ask for advice from your physician.
• Stress is bad for you. Reduce stress by allowing plenty of time to check in and reach your departure gate.
• Always carry your medication with you—never pack it in baggage you’re planning to check.
• Wear loose, comfortable clothing and shoes for your flight.
During Your Trip
Here are a few things you can do to feel good while you’re flying:
• Eat lightly during your flight.
• Stay hydrated while you fly.
• Leave room under the seat in front of you so you can stretch out your legs.
• If conditions permit, try to stand up and walk around the cabin every once in a while.
At Your Destination
Here are a couple of things to remember once you arrive:
• Never purchase local medications unless you’re familiar with them.
• Wear sun block and sunglasses in the tropics and at high altitudes.
• Drink a lot of water to minimize altitude sickness.These sites offer comprehensive information about healthy travel:
Thanks for very useful tips! They really work! I actually didn’t think about those things after reading your post -