This novel is takes place in Aspen, CO and is centered around a life of a high profile model who professionally is seemingly at the peak of her career. However, her life is filled with secrets, drama, drugs, and a deep unhappiness with her own life. And complicating matters are those surrounding her are motivated by greed at her expense.
A childhood prodigy of the world’s most famous living composer, Michelle Seko eventually fled his suffocating clutches, but for a career that has no freedom.
Relationships with men have been shallow to this point. But then she meets someone who truly cares for her and she begins to reveal her deepest secrets to him. And her flaws. She struggles to find her way out of her own darkness. He is patient. Painfully so while she continues to slip out of control.
This novel is richly rewarding but it is no bed of rose petals and features a number of low points. Thankfully, the ending is not one of them.
Recommended location for reading: somewhere tropical on a white sand beach and we say this from personal experience.
For more information about the author, visit: or to purchase a copy, click here.
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