Flight attendant and author Cydney Marshall has written a gripping tale of a commercial airline that vanishes with all persons on board unaccounted for. Unlike the infinitesimal percentages of this happening in real life when you fly, this is a fictionalized account although it certainly pulls details from real life incidents over the years.
Author Marshall cleverly creates a name for a generic airline, calling it AmerAsia; the whereabouts of AmerAsia flight 56 is a mystery that husband-wife Alexis and Markus Dain (two CIA operatives) are determined to unearth it’s final location.
The book builds to a suspenseful climax when these two CIA operatives discover the plot of another impending hijacking and place themselves on board for this particular flight.
Twists and turns abound with every chapter. Marshall dedicates the book to all “missing souls” of all the planes that have gone missing for whatever reason over the years.
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