Peru trip was incredible. High mountains, steamy jungles, dry deserts and the ocean – all in one country. Can’t wait to return and next time will visit the high altiplano of Bolivia and parts of the Patagonia.
Article about Iquitos finished but won’t be posted on the main page for a few months as there are other articles currently queued. & the Peruvian Rainforest
Article about mountain climbing in the Huaraz region of the Peruvian Andes coming up in the next few months.
Woman weaving
Greetings dave?
the next time you come to Peru, Bolivia, come to my country Brazil you ever been to Brazil? is very close and it borders with Bolivia, Paraguay, Argentina. Brazil is a very beautiful country with amazing natural beauty.
in 2014 we have the World Cup in Brazil, and the Olympics in 2016 worldwide, will be amazing!
big hug
Absair narducci
Hi Absair – Yes, I love Brazil 🙂 – I’ve been several places including Sao Paulo and foz de Iguacu – I can’t wait to return. Huge country – want to see more along the coast and in the north. Where abouts do you live?
~ Dave