Every year we make the annual trek out to Brentwood (no, not that Brentwood), but the Brentwood on the edge of the San Francisco Bay Area (California) that is home to lot of agri-tourism, including the U-Pick Cherry Orchards. From around Memorial Day weekend through the mid to the end of June is cherry season. These orchards are extremely popular with folks who come over from the Oakland and San Jose areas to pick. Cherry picking makes a great family activity and you often see all ages in the orchards helping out.
We started going about 10 years ago and have been returning every year to Seko Ranch. They have some of the oldest and biggest cherry trees in Brentwood – (ladders are provided). We might also add, that when fully ripe these are some of the most amazing cherries you will ever taste. We’ve also visited Pease Ranch – different varieties, much younger/shorter trees – as a result a longer picking season. Also flavorful but not very sweet berries for U-pick are available here.
Need a place to grab a traditional American breakfast, lunch or dinner for a very reasonable price – try the Brentwood Cafe. History it seems, has passed restaurants like these. We never eat at fast food places but its so much easier and more common to pop into boring places like McDonalds or Burger King than a one-of-a kind restaurant like the Brentwood Cafe where locals eat and people know each other.
Harvest 4 U is the non profit organization that promotes agri-tourism in the Brentwood area as well as produces an annual updated Farm Trails map.
Just discovered your blog.. sending you greetings from Brussels
I wish I was able to visit this place when I lived in SF back in 1993, and when I revisited in 2002. I will make sure to recommend Brentwood to my parents when they visit SF again this July. I’m sure they will enjoy it there!
By the way, I’ve tagged you here:
You may or may not want to write a blog post about it. I just wanted to show your link there as a way of thanking you for following my blog.
Hi Y’all,
I followed you back to say thank you.
Wow, those cherries are beautiful…almost unreal looking.
Y’all come back now,
Hawk aka BrownDog
Thanks “BrownDog” – yea, some of the best Cherries in the state
They are tree ripe, not gas induced ripe that you might find at the super markets. I always go to the ranch that has the oldest trees in the area. Super sweet cherries!
Mama Mia – thanks for the tag back – I’ll add linke back to this post
Those cherries must be so delicious..can you send me some sir?
Those cherries must taste very delicious maybe…can you send some..joke.
lovely pictures…following you now
Thanks a lot for coming by and following my blog.Yours is a very smart one too. I am sure I’ll enjoy ‘travelling’ to different parts of the world
Ginger, Buddy n Shadow sends their wags
I love your blog! very beautiful … I have a blog menswear wanted to invite you to know it http://www.taonic.com.br
I’m following your blog on google and I’m enjoying friends on facebook
kisses from Brazil
Yago Richelly
Great pics and interesting article. I’ve always wanted to visit San Francisco and maybe the cherry season would be a good idea. Thanks
Looks like a wonderful place to visit. I’d love to be in cherry country! ~karen
Olá amigo,hummm..cerejas muiiito bonitas,devem ser com certeza saborosas!!
Grato por seguir meu blog,também estou seguindo o seu para acompanhar seus posts!!
thanks for the visit, I’m following you on the blog and twitter.
kisses from Brazil
@ _quiane
Eu adoro cerejas… Só apaenas uma vez provei elas assim natural sem ser em caldas….
adorei seu site, cheio de aventuras.
Thanks for visiting and have enjoyed my blog. Kisses.Good weekend.
(Obrigado pela visita e por ter gostado do meu blog.Beijos. Bom fim de semana.^^)
Oi Dave, obrigada por esta seguindo o Vivendo pela palavra,seja bem-vindo. Eu ja estou por aqui também
Uma bela tarde
Hi!I came to thank for follow my blog, I added your at my favorites and am following too(my english is horrible but I was looking for even a blog to improve it!).
Thank u guy and a good week!!!
Valeu amigo pelo carinho da visita. Com certeza estou a te seguir. Um lindo dia para você e beijinhos carinhosos com certeza.
Just discovered your blog and I like yours fotos. I like too to travel (and thimbles of course!).In the topic Europe, I don´t see Portugal, you never see my country?
Hi Elisabete – I have not visited Portugal yet
– I really want to. I visited the Portuguese wine museum in Macau – but thats about as close as I’ve been….although I have been to Spain before. I will plan a trip at some point. I really want to visit the wine regions – esp for the great Port 
Anyone been to Brentwood to kick off the 2013 cherry season??! Its been a warm spring and cherries are starting to pop up in so cal and no cal – looking forward to heading up to Brentwood to load up on buckets of fresh cherries for the rest of the year (freeze them, eat them, juice them – its all about the cherries.