The first Los Angeles Travel Show I attended was many years ago at the convention center downtown – at one point there were two travel shows within a month or so of each other in Los Angeles/Long Beach – in recent years it was held at the Long Beach Convention Center – and this year it is back to where it belongs, downtown at the Los Angeles Convention Center.
If you are in the Los Angeles area, enjoy travel put this consumer based travel show on your calendar for February 24 – 25, 2018 at the Los Angeles Convention Center.
There is a reason why certain travel professionals become household names – people like Samantha Brown, Peter Greenberg, Andrew Zimmern, Rick Steves, Pauline Frommer and Johnny Jet spoke at this year’s show. All have made valuable contributions to the travel industry in their own ways – and all are excellent speakers. these are some of the biggest names in the travel industry today.
We heard both Peter Greenberg’s speech (catch our interview with him here), Johnny Jet (our interview with John here) and we caught bits and pieces of Pauline Frommer’s talk. Peter is a a focused and powerful speaker – the one takeaway from his speech was his comments on fear. The only countries he will not visit are the ones where he does not know who is in control – he named only three countries currently, including Syria. It was refreshing to hear this – as in my experience, countries that people are scared of visiting for whatever reasons – are generally safe (Iran was the perfect example of this one of my recent travels).
Johnny is an expert on airfares and airfare ticket hacks. A fast speaker he packed in a significant amount of information including a number of extremely valuable tips for consumers. Check out his website and newsletter for access to some of these tips
Hearing Pauline Frommer speak about remote destinations in Indonesia and her time in Antarctica was enough to get anyone hooked on traveling!
This show is fairly large – with booths from both tour operators and DMO’s (country tourism boards) filling one of the main halls. Regions of the world are categorized making it easy for visitors to find specific countries. Information is available for all types of travelers.
It was nice to see two countries represented you don’t always hear about – Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan. The consulate general of Azerbaijan was even on hand to chat with visitor’s.
Aside from meeting various tour operators and DMO’s, I use this show to catch up with many friends and acquaintances in the travel industry that I know in Los Angeles.
The LA Travel Show, highly recommended!
Looks like the place to be for all things travel! Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for love and it was great seeing you!
Thanks John – glad I was able to catch part of your talk.