Our highlight drink of the evening was a bowl of fermented horse milk. The taste is strong, the alcohol is not although you can certainly smell that this is an alcoholic drink. It is fermented naturally – no yeast added. What I could not finish was given to a young boy who wasted no time downing the entire drink.
When meeting other travelers in Kyrgyzstan (and it is very easy to do) countries such as Uganda, The Gambia, Iran and Tajikistan among others come up much more often in conversation than say countries such as Italy or France as examples. The type of traveler you meet here is well heeled and tends to visit countries that are off the normal beaten path.
Always a conversation starter is the topic of securing visa’s in this part of the world. One couple we met had their visas finally issued after a lengthy wait only to discover the dates they requested to enter the country were totally wrong on their visa in their passport. As a result they were denied entry at the border. We have heard a number of stories about embassies often holding obscure hours, making people come back again and again before issuing the visa, and changing rules at a whim, and some countries only issuing a few days on the visa unless you are with a guided tour.
Video: Enjoying Vodka next to Song-Kul Lake:
Ahhh… this brought back such happy memories! I spent three days at Song-Kul in 2008. Such an extraordinarily beautiful place, and such incredible kind and generous people. I have to disagree with you over the fermented milk I’m afraid, but then I was offered it at 8 o’clock in the morning
I love your blog, there is always something interesting to read! Thanks for sharing that!