Every fall, more than 20,000 Pacific gray whales begin to migrate south from their feeding grounds in the Bering Sea to their breeding grounds in the warm waters of Baja California. They pass by Mendocino County twice: going south from November through February, and going north from February through May. With an average lifespan of 50 years, they swim an astonishing 10,000 miles each and every year. Calves are at least a month old before they … [Read more...]

Lorna Cunkle is retired from dual careers in education and publishing. She has a B.A. in English and a Standard Secondary Teaching Credential, both from UCLA. She has taught English, word processing, desktop publishing, and graphic design. Yes, she even taught touch typing. She has worked for several publishing companies (Pacific Sun Publishing, Cole Publishing, and Houghton Mifflin) as an editor, writer, photographer, and graphic designer. As a freelancer, her clients have included Allyn and Bacon, Pomegranate Communications, Research Press, Squarebooks, Sun Microsystems, and General Motors. She now travels (mostly in the western U.S.) and writes not what is assigned but what she most wants to study. Her interests include hiking, camping, photography, and birdwatching, especially when combined with travel and wine tasting. The proud mother of two sons, now in their 40s and published writers as well, she lives in Novato, California.