Dreaming of Sydney. Very few of my friends can say that they have traveled across the globe to one of the happiest countries in the world, second only behind Iceland. I'm talking about Australia, and I would have to say that I agree, wholeheartedly with that statement. When I first flew into Sydney, I couldn't help but notice the picturesque view of the Sydney Opera House and Harbour Bridge. It is such a romantic city, yet it's so far away … [Read more...]

About Lauren Machen
Originally hailing from sunny Southern California, I recently jumped in my car to head East and now call the luscious green mountains of Vermont home. Most would say I have wings not roots, though as I'm constantly on the go, traveling and exploring via virtually any route! I love the outdoors and enjoy almost any sport or activity you can think of. This lefty is still in her right mind, though making a career out of my love of people, sports and traveling through PR and writing.