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Description: Seeing the world one step at a time. Welcome. Explore – Learn – Travel. Founded 1996, Dave’s Travel Corner is an International travel community focusing on experiential travels.
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Highlight of the Month
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Favorite Quotes
"Make your travels as experiential as possible – do things that are not part of your daily life. Go out of your way to embrace the assault on your senses that only International travel can deliver." ~ Dave
"Ownership of most things is overrated. Ownership of worldly experiences is not." ~ Dave
"In every inspiring natural creation there is a realism that speaks to you. In every moment on a mountain you find it more and more. You discover yourself in ways not possible through other means. This stays with you and guides you for the rest of your life. May everyone have this chance at least once." ~ Dave – Reasons why we Climb
"1/3 of the world eats with utensils, 1/3 of the world eats with chopsticks and 1/3 of the world eats with their hands." ~ Unknown
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